They'll be moving on soon...


Cole e

We are excited to highlight our upcoming graduates in the following weeks as they share their reflections on their experience at Westfield. 

Cole has been at Westfield since Pre-K and is grateful for the friendships he’s formed along the way. “Because I came in pre-k , I have had many interactions with people throughout my 10 years at WFS. Some people in my class right now I have been friends with since pre-k. I developed really good relationships at WFS with my classmates and teachers. WFS has definitely built my ability to foster relationships and friends, but I feel it also has taught me how to be a nice person and care for people.” 


Cole thinks fondly of the memories he’s made during his time at Westfield. “In middle school, I have had many good experiences like the Virginia trip, and being in the Mid Summer’s Night Dream production in sixth grade.” 

Cole appreciates the opportunity for community and relationship-building that Westfield has given him. “I would just like to say thank you to WFS for being a part of my childhood and thank you for contributing to who I am today.”


Take a look at all the other graduate reflections here.