They'll be moving on soon...

Kylan H

We are excited to highlight our upcoming graduates in the following weeks as they share their reflections on their experience at Westfield. 


During his two years at Westfield, Kylan is grateful for the bonds he has created. “I am glad I was able to create strong bonds with the teachers and the students in this school. Westfield has prepared me for high school, and the challenges that may come with it. This school and its people will forever stay in my mind and my heart.”


Kylan expresses that the Westfield community welcomed him with open arms. “At Westfield, I was easily able to fit in with everyone, and I made a lot of friends that I hope to keep in contact with once I leave. My friends and teachers were always nice, understanding, and helpful, which made this school a better experience for me.”


Kylan has several Westfield memories that he thinks fondly of. “Some of my best memories and experiences are the field trips and the winter concert. My favorite trips were the Virginia trip last year, Camp Dark Water, and the One Man Show.” 


Take a look at all the other graduate reflections here.